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petroleum industry

  • Date:2023-12-16
  • Visits:107

Sulfur-containing petroleum and natural gas come into contact with cold liquid with less amine in the contact tower, resulting in clean gas discharge. The resulting cold liquid with more amine is exchanged with the hot liquid generated in the next stage through a plate heat exchanger for heat exchange

The main applications of Yuanzhuo plate heat exchangers in the petroleum industry




The main application of Yuanzhuo plate heat exchanger in the petroleum industry


Crude oil heating 

With steam through the plate heat exchanger heating wet, viscous crude oil, reduce the viscosity of the crude oil, and then after several special treatment, remove the sand, water and other impurities, after or directly used for combustion, or through air cooling into the finishing process.


Heat recovery and cooling during natural gas cleaning

The oil and gas containing sulfur is in contact with the cold liquid containing little amine in the contact tower, and the clean gas is discharged. The cold liquid containing much amine is exchanged with the hot liquid produced in the next stage through the plate heat exchanger. After preheating, the hot liquid containing much amine is heated by steam in the boiler, and the hot amine-rich liquid is then entered the striper to peel off hydrogen sulfide and other gases. After the liquid out preheats the cold liquid with more amine, it is cooled by a cooling tower through a plate change, but the cold liquid with less amine enters the contact tower to start the next cycle.


Processing water heat recovery

The water stripped from the crude oil after treatment contains a lot of heat. Before discharge, it is passed through a plate heat exchanger to preheat clean soft water. The preheated water enters a boiler, and the steam generated by the boiler is injected into the oil well to process the crude oil.


Cool crude oil by sea water

The crude oil pumped from the sea floor is cooled by a plate heat exchanger, and the cooled crude oil is transported on barges. The material of the required plate heat exchanger is titanium plate.


Preheat wet crude oil through dry origin oil heat recovery

The hot dry crude oil after treatment is preheated to the cold wet crude oil through the plate heat exchanger, and the preheated crude oil then enters the next processing process.


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